Bei Freundschaftsspielen und beim ZOS-Cup werden keine neuen Verletzungen nach dem Spiel gespeichert. Bereits Vorhandene Verletzungen aus einem Pflichtspiel bleiben bestehen und können nicht für einzelne Spiele ausgenommen werden.

Allgemeiner Fragenthread
Alles klar! Unglücklich für mich, aber zumindest realitätsnah!
Nur ne Kleinigkeit aber wieso werden Spieler, die als Position sowohl DM als auch IV haben in der Kaderauflistung als IV und somit in der Verteidigung angezeigt? Dachte, das geht alphabetisch (DM steht ja auch vor IV) und somit wäre der Spieler dann im Mittelfeld?
Kann man das ggf. ändern? -
Man kann eintragen ob der Spieler generell Abwehr - Mittelfeld - oder Stürmer ist... unabhängig von den Positionsdetails...
Kannst theoretisch auch nen RA/LA als Torwart listen...
Nur ne Kleinigkeit aber wieso werden Spieler, die als Position sowohl DM als auch IV haben in der Kaderauflistung als IV und somit in der Verteidigung angezeigt? Dachte, das geht alphabetisch (DM steht ja auch vor IV) und somit wäre der Spieler dann im Mittelfeld?
Kann man das ggf. ändern?Die Positionen werden so aufgelistet, wie diese in der Datenbank abgespeichert werden.
Wie groß ist die genaue "Message Box" in der jetzt dieser Post gezeigt wird?
bzw. Wie BreitUnter Untersuchen zeigt er 892px an, dass kann aber nicht sein. Edier ich meine News in dieser Größe ist es immer noch
kleiner als das Feld -
Die Positionen werden so aufgelistet, wie diese in der Datenbank abgespeichert werden.
was so an sich auch nicht stimmt. Wenn ich bei einem IV/DM die Posi IV zuerst wähle, wird er trotzdem als DM angezeigt(als Bsp.)
Wie groß ist die genaue "Message Box" in der jetzt dieser Post gezeigt wird?
bzw. Wie Breit
Abhängig von deiner Fensterbreite. Das gesamte Forendesign nimmt 90 Prozent der Bildschirmbreite ein. Entferne die Breite der Beitrags-Sidebar und die Innenabstände, dann hast du die Breite für den Beitrag - aber nur für deine Fensterbreite. -
Abhängig von deiner Fensterbreite. Das gesamte Forendesign nimmt 90 Prozent der Bildschirmbreite ein. Entferne die Breite der Beitrags-Sidebar und die Innenabstände, dann hast du die Breite für den Beitrag - aber nur für deine Fensterbreite.
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<body translate="no">
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<div id="nav">
<option value="News">News</option>
<option value="Fashion">Design</option>
<option value="Celebrity">By</option>
<option value="Hair & Beauty">GioHH87</option>
</select></div><h1><strong>Kennen Sie schon?</strong>
<center><p class="byline"><i>Ein Blog von Mecki-Vrej</i></p></center>
</h1><hr noshade size=3></hr>
<h3>"Ein Spielmacher wie er im Buche steht" - Portrait: Paul Pogba</h3>
<h5>by Mecki-Vrej | 3rd November 2014</h5>
<body><p><text class="largeletter">L</text>
<p class="one">ast week saw Independent columnist Chloe Hamilton slam beauty vlogger Zoella, claiming she…-zoella-kind-9809136.htmlshould not be hailed as a role model for teenage girls.</p>
<p>While she suggested that the social media star’s impressionable, young female followers are at risk of feeling like they need make-up to feel good about themselves, this was combined with comments about Zoella which were quite personal: “Her eyes are enormous… her particular brand of sickly sweet girl power brings me out in hives.”</p>
<p>I’m not saying Zoella has to be everyone’s cup of tea; to be honest I can take or leave her videos. I agreed with some of Hamilton’s points, but frankly to make such personal comments about someone so publicly is unkind. Constructive criticism of somebody’s work is an entirely different matter.</p><blockquote>“Paul Pogbas Haar ist schön”</blockquote>
<p>If you ask me, the basis of Hamilton’s argument was more than a little unfounded. Having an interest in fashion and beauty as a woman is absolutely not a crime. It doesn’t mean you are less of a woman, or not confident enough, or anti-feminist. To quote Guardian columnist Sali Hughes, women should not be defined by whether they love make-up or not; “the freedom to look how I choose is feminism,” she said in last month’s edition of Glamour.</p>
<p>Doesn’t she have a point? Why should our appearance be intrinsically linked to our views on gender equality? I don’t proclaim to be a strong feminist, but I do believe men and women are entitled to the same treatment on a day-to-day basis.</p>
<p>I like make-up, but I also believe women should pay the same as men for car insurance. That I can wear a trouser suit if I want to, and should be paid the same as a man doing the same job as me. Sali’s analogy that women who like fashion and beauty are scoffed at, while men who are interested in “classically male pursuits” such as football or Formula One are not, is bang on. Why should either be questioned for conforming to gender stereotypes if that is what they are genuinely interested in?</p>
<center><iframe width="700" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
<p>In my opinion, we should focus on the good Zoella does; she is a digital ambassador for Mind, having suffered from anxiety herself. In a society where mental health stigma is still so prominent, shouldn’t we be glad her young followers look up to her?</p>
<p>Young girls who are interested in make-up would seek out other sources if Zoella wasn’t there; they will be inspired by what she does outside of her videos because of the fact they know her from YouTube. </p><blockquote class="gender">“Wieso sollte Pogba Afrikaner sein?”</blockquote>
<p>Hamilton argues that Zoella has potential to be incredibly influential if she ditches the beauty tutorials and addressed some of the pressures girls face. My argument is: why can’t she do both? </p>
<p>Yes, young people are incredibly impressionable, but that doesn’t mean we need to deter them from having an interest in fashion and beauty for fear that they will develop the wrong values. Instead, we should be trying, as I believe Zoella does, to instil self-confidence and build their self-esteem.</p>
<p> To find out more about Zoella, watch her '50 Facts About Me' video or go straight to her youtube channel</p><a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @mecki-vrej</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>
</html> -
Fände neue / andere Smilies cool. Wenn ich am Smartphone bin nutze ich immer automatisch diese. Jedoch werden die hier im Forum nicht unterstützt.
Mit einer anstehenden Aktualisierung der Forensoftware wird sich das ändern. Das wird aber nicht vor Ende des Jahres passieren, weil die neue Version erst im vierten Quartal erscheint, dann zunächst ein anderes Forum von mir aktualisiert wird und ich dann das Forendesign für hier erstellen muss.@GioHH87: Wenn CSS verwendet wird, bitte keine Selektoren verwenden, die für das Forum gelten. Also body, h2, h3 oder blockquote beispielsweise per CSS anzusprechen, das bitte nicht machen, das wirkt sich auf das komplette Forum aus. Man muss allem, was man optisch anders haben will, eine eindeutige Klasse / ID geben, die sich nur auf den eigenen Code bezieht.
Mit einer anstehenden Aktualisierung der Forensoftware wird sich das ändern. Das wird aber nicht vor Ende des Jahres passieren, weil die neue Version erst im vierten Quartal erscheint, dann zunächst ein anderes Forum von mir aktualisiert wird und ich dann das Forendesign für hier erstellen muss.
@GioHH87: Wenn CSS verwendet wird, bitte keine Selektoren verwenden, die für das Forum gelten. Also body, h2, h3 oder blockquote beispielsweise per CSS anzusprechen, das bitte nicht machen, das wirkt sich auf das komplette Forum aus. Man muss allem, was man optisch anders haben will, eine eindeutige Klasse / ID geben, die sich nur auf den eigenen Code bezieht.
Uff.. Wie genau stell ich das richtig an?
Der erste Spoiler ist der Code für außerhalb des Forums und der zweite Spoilter enthält den Code für das Forum.
<!DOCTYPE html><html class="html"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" /> <link rel="mask-icon" type="" href="" color="#111" /> <style> .html { background-color: #e4e4e4; } .body { font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode; font-size: 13px; font-color: #262626; margin: 50px; background-color: white; padding: 40px; -webkit-column-count: 2; -moz-column-count: 2; column-count: 2; -webkit-column-gap: 50px; -moz-column-count: 50px; column-gap: 50px; } .h1 { font-size:60px; font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode; padding: 0px; text-shadow: 3px 1px 1px #ABABAB; } .byline { font-family: Georgia; font-size: 15px; font-color: #262626; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #ABABAB; text-align: right; }
.h3 { font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 2px 1px 1px #ABABAB; margin: 25px; } .h5 { font-size: 11px; padding: 5px; } .largeletter::first-letter { font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 70px; color: red; float: left; padding: 2px; }
.gender { width: 70%; margin: 1em auto; text-align: center; padding: 0px; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 2px 1px 1px #ABABAB; } </style> </head> <body class="body"> <div class="background"> <h1 class="h1">Kennen Sie schon?</h1> <p class="byline"><i>Ein Blog von Mecki-Vrej</i></p> <hr noshade size=3></hr> <h3 class="h3">"Ein Spielmacher wie er im Buche steht" - Portrait: Paul Pogba</h3> <h5 class="h5">by Mecki-Vrej | 3rd November 2014</h5> <p class="largeletter">Last week saw Independent columnist Chloe Hamilton slam beauty vlogger Zoella, claiming she…-zoella-kind-9809136.htmlshould not be hailed as a role model for teenage girls.</p> <p>While she suggested that the social media star’s impressionable, young female followers are at risk of feeling like they need make-up to feel good about themselves, this was combined with comments about Zoella which were quite personal: “Her eyes are enormous… her particular brand of sickly sweet girl power brings me out in hives.”</p> <p>I’m not saying Zoella has to be everyone’s cup of tea; to be honest I can take or leave her videos. I agreed with some of Hamilton’s points, but frankly to make such personal comments about someone so publicly is unkind. Constructive criticism of somebody’s work is an entirely different matter.</p> <blockquote class="gender">“Paul Pogbas Haar ist schön”</blockquote> <p>If you ask me, the basis of Hamilton’s argument was more than a little unfounded. Having an interest in fashion and beauty as a woman is absolutely not a crime. It doesn’t mean you are less of a woman, or not confident enough, or anti-feminist. To quote Guardian columnist Sali Hughes, women should not be defined by whether they love make-up or not; “the freedom to look how I choose is feminism,” she said in last month’s edition of Glamour.</p> <p>Doesn’t she have a point? Why should our appearance be intrinsically linked to our views on gender equality? I don’t proclaim to be a strong feminist, but I do believe men and women are entitled to the same treatment on a day-to-day basis.</p> <p style="padding:20px;"><img src="" alt="Pogba" title="Pogba" width="100%" height="auto" /></p> <p>I like make-up, but I also believe women should pay the same as men for car insurance. That I can wear a trouser suit if I want to, and should be paid the same as a man doing the same job as me. Sali’s analogy that women who like fashion and beauty are scoffed at, while men who are interested in “classically male pursuits” such as football or Formula One are not, is bang on. Why should either be questioned for conforming to gender stereotypes if that is what they are genuinely interested in?</p> <p>In my opinion, we should focus on the good Zoella does; she is a digital ambassador for Mind, having suffered from anxiety herself. In a society where mental health stigma is still so prominent, shouldn’t we be glad her young followers look up to her?</p> <p>Young girls who are interested in make-up would seek out other sources if Zoella wasn’t there; they will be inspired by what she does outside of her videos because of the fact they know her from YouTube. </p> <blockquote class="gender">“Wieso sollte Pogba Afrikaner sein?”</blockquote> <p>Hamilton argues that Zoella has potential to be incredibly influential if she ditches the beauty tutorials and addressed some of the pressures girls face. My argument is: why can’t she do both? </p> <p>Yes, young people are incredibly impressionable, but that doesn’t mean we need to deter them from having an interest in fashion and beauty for fear that they will develop the wrong values. Instead, we should be trying, as I believe Zoella does, to instil self-confidence and build their self-esteem.</p> <p> To find out more about Zoella, watch her '50 Facts About Me' video or go straight to her youtube channel</p> <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @mecki-vrej</a> </div> </body></html>
<style> .news-background { background-color: #e4e4e4; padding: 20px; } .news-container { font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode; font-size: 13px; font-color: #262626; margin: 50px; background-color: white; padding: 40px; -webkit-column-count: 2; -moz-column-count: 2; column-count: 2; -webkit-column-gap: 50px; -moz-column-count: 50px; column-gap: 50px; } .h1 { font-size:60px; font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode; padding: 0px; text-shadow: 3px 1px 1px #ABABAB; margin: 40px 0; line-height: 60px; } .byline { font-family: Georgia; font-size: 15px; font-color: #262626; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #ABABAB; text-align: right; }
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.padding-13 { padding: 7.5px 0; }</style><div class="news-background"> <div class="news-container"> <h1 class="h1">Kennen Sie schon?</h1> <p class="byline padding-13"><i>Ein Blog von Mecki-Vrej</i></p> <hr noshade size=3></hr> <h3 class="h3">"Ein Spielmacher wie er im Buche steht" - Portrait: Paul Pogba</h3> <h5 class="h5">by Mecki-Vrej | 3rd November 2014</h5> <p class="largeletter padding-13">Last week saw Independent columnist Chloe Hamilton slam beauty vlogger Zoella, claiming she…-zoella-kind-9809136.htmlshould not be hailed as a role model for teenage girls.</p> <p class="padding-13">While she suggested that the social media star’s impressionable, young female followers are at risk of feeling like they need make-up to feel good about themselves, this was combined with comments about Zoella which were quite personal: “Her eyes are enormous… her particular brand of sickly sweet girl power brings me out in hives.”</p> <p class="padding-13">I’m not saying Zoella has to be everyone’s cup of tea; to be honest I can take or leave her videos. I agreed with some of Hamilton’s points, but frankly to make such personal comments about someone so publicly is unkind. Constructive criticism of somebody’s work is an entirely different matter.</p> <blockquote class="gender">“Paul Pogbas Haar ist schön”</blockquote> <p class="padding-13">If you ask me, the basis of Hamilton’s argument was more than a little unfounded. Having an interest in fashion and beauty as a woman is absolutely not a crime. It doesn’t mean you are less of a woman, or not confident enough, or anti-feminist. To quote Guardian columnist Sali Hughes, women should not be defined by whether they love make-up or not; “the freedom to look how I choose is feminism,” she said in last month’s edition of Glamour.</p> <p class="padding-13">Doesn’t she have a point? Why should our appearance be intrinsically linked to our views on gender equality? I don’t proclaim to be a strong feminist, but I do believe men and women are entitled to the same treatment on a day-to-day basis.</p> <p style="padding:20px;"><img src="" alt="Pogba" title="Pogba" width="100%" height="auto" /></p> <p class="padding-13">I like make-up, but I also believe women should pay the same as men for car insurance. That I can wear a trouser suit if I want to, and should be paid the same as a man doing the same job as me. Sali’s analogy that women who like fashion and beauty are scoffed at, while men who are interested in “classically male pursuits” such as football or Formula One are not, is bang on. Why should either be questioned for conforming to gender stereotypes if that is what they are genuinely interested in?</p> <p class="padding-13">In my opinion, we should focus on the good Zoella does; she is a digital ambassador for Mind, having suffered from anxiety herself. In a society where mental health stigma is still so prominent, shouldn’t we be glad her young followers look up to her?</p> <p class="padding-13">Young girls who are interested in make-up would seek out other sources if Zoella wasn’t there; they will be inspired by what she does outside of her videos because of the fact they know her from YouTube. </p> <blockquote class="gender">“Wieso sollte Pogba Afrikaner sein?”</blockquote> <p class="padding-13">Hamilton argues that Zoella has potential to be incredibly influential if she ditches the beauty tutorials and addressed some of the pressures girls face. My argument is: why can’t she do both? </p> <p class="padding-13">Yes, young people are incredibly impressionable, but that doesn’t mean we need to deter them from having an interest in fashion and beauty for fear that they will develop the wrong values. Instead, we should be trying, as I believe Zoella does, to instil self-confidence and build their self-esteem.</p> <p class="padding-13"> To find out more about Zoella, watch her '50 Facts About Me' video or go straight to her youtube channel</p> <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @mecki-vrej</a> </div></div>
Der erste Spoiler ist der Code für außerhalb des Forums und der zweite Spoilter enthält den Code für das Forum.
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<h1 class="h1">Kennen Sie schon?</h1>
<p class="byline"><i>Ein Blog von Mecki-Vrej</i></p>
<hr noshade size=3></hr>
<h3 class="h3">"Ein Spielmacher wie er im Buche steht" - Portrait: Paul Pogba</h3>
<h5 class="h5">by Mecki-Vrej | 3rd November 2014</h5>
<p class="largeletter">Last week saw Independent columnist Chloe Hamilton slam beauty vlogger Zoella, claiming she…-zoella-kind-9809136.htmlshould not be hailed as a role model for teenage girls.</p>
<p>While she suggested that the social media star’s impressionable, young female followers are at risk of feeling like they need make-up to feel good about themselves, this was combined with comments about Zoella which were quite personal: “Her eyes are enormous… her particular brand of sickly sweet girl power brings me out in hives.”</p>
<p>I’m not saying Zoella has to be everyone’s cup of tea; to be honest I can take or leave her videos. I agreed with some of Hamilton’s points, but frankly to make such personal comments about someone so publicly is unkind. Constructive criticism of somebody’s work is an entirely different matter.</p>
<blockquote class="gender">“Paul Pogbas Haar ist schön”</blockquote>
<p>If you ask me, the basis of Hamilton’s argument was more than a little unfounded. Having an interest in fashion and beauty as a woman is absolutely not a crime. It doesn’t mean you are less of a woman, or not confident enough, or anti-feminist. To quote Guardian columnist Sali Hughes, women should not be defined by whether they love make-up or not; “the freedom to look how I choose is feminism,” she said in last month’s edition of Glamour.</p>
<p>Doesn’t she have a point? Why should our appearance be intrinsically linked to our views on gender equality? I don’t proclaim to be a strong feminist, but I do believe men and women are entitled to the same treatment on a day-to-day basis.</p>
<p style="padding:20px;"><img src="" alt="Pogba" title="Pogba" width="100%" height="auto" /></p>
<p>I like make-up, but I also believe women should pay the same as men for car insurance. That I can wear a trouser suit if I want to, and should be paid the same as a man doing the same job as me. Sali’s analogy that women who like fashion and beauty are scoffed at, while men who are interested in “classically male pursuits” such as football or Formula One are not, is bang on. Why should either be questioned for conforming to gender stereotypes if that is what they are genuinely interested in?</p>
<p>In my opinion, we should focus on the good Zoella does; she is a digital ambassador for Mind, having suffered from anxiety herself. In a society where mental health stigma is still so prominent, shouldn’t we be glad her young followers look up to her?</p>
<p>Young girls who are interested in make-up would seek out other sources if Zoella wasn’t there; they will be inspired by what she does outside of her videos because of the fact they know her from YouTube. </p>
<blockquote class="gender">“Wieso sollte Pogba Afrikaner sein?”</blockquote>
<p>Hamilton argues that Zoella has potential to be incredibly influential if she ditches the beauty tutorials and addressed some of the pressures girls face. My argument is: why can’t she do both? </p>
<p>Yes, young people are incredibly impressionable, but that doesn’t mean we need to deter them from having an interest in fashion and beauty for fear that they will develop the wrong values. Instead, we should be trying, as I believe Zoella does, to instil self-confidence and build their self-esteem.</p>
<p> To find out more about Zoella, watch her '50 Facts About Me' video or go straight to her youtube channel</p>
<a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @mecki-vrej</a>
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<p class="byline padding-13"><i>Ein Blog von Mecki-Vrej</i></p>
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<h3 class="h3">"Ein Spielmacher wie er im Buche steht" - Portrait: Paul Pogba</h3>
<h5 class="h5">by Mecki-Vrej | 3rd November 2014</h5>
<p class="largeletter padding-13">Last week saw Independent columnist Chloe Hamilton slam beauty vlogger Zoella, claiming she…-zoella-kind-9809136.htmlshould not be hailed as a role model for teenage girls.</p>
<p class="padding-13">While she suggested that the social media star’s impressionable, young female followers are at risk of feeling like they need make-up to feel good about themselves, this was combined with comments about Zoella which were quite personal: “Her eyes are enormous… her particular brand of sickly sweet girl power brings me out in hives.”</p>
<p class="padding-13">I’m not saying Zoella has to be everyone’s cup of tea; to be honest I can take or leave her videos. I agreed with some of Hamilton’s points, but frankly to make such personal comments about someone so publicly is unkind. Constructive criticism of somebody’s work is an entirely different matter.</p>
<blockquote class="gender">“Paul Pogbas Haar ist schön”</blockquote>
<p class="padding-13">If you ask me, the basis of Hamilton’s argument was more than a little unfounded. Having an interest in fashion and beauty as a woman is absolutely not a crime. It doesn’t mean you are less of a woman, or not confident enough, or anti-feminist. To quote Guardian columnist Sali Hughes, women should not be defined by whether they love make-up or not; “the freedom to look how I choose is feminism,” she said in last month’s edition of Glamour.</p>
<p class="padding-13">Doesn’t she have a point? Why should our appearance be intrinsically linked to our views on gender equality? I don’t proclaim to be a strong feminist, but I do believe men and women are entitled to the same treatment on a day-to-day basis.</p>
<p style="padding:20px;"><img src="" alt="Pogba" title="Pogba" width="100%" height="auto" /></p>
<p class="padding-13">I like make-up, but I also believe women should pay the same as men for car insurance. That I can wear a trouser suit if I want to, and should be paid the same as a man doing the same job as me. Sali’s analogy that women who like fashion and beauty are scoffed at, while men who are interested in “classically male pursuits” such as football or Formula One are not, is bang on. Why should either be questioned for conforming to gender stereotypes if that is what they are genuinely interested in?</p>
<p class="padding-13">In my opinion, we should focus on the good Zoella does; she is a digital ambassador for Mind, having suffered from anxiety herself. In a society where mental health stigma is still so prominent, shouldn’t we be glad her young followers look up to her?</p>
<p class="padding-13">Young girls who are interested in make-up would seek out other sources if Zoella wasn’t there; they will be inspired by what she does outside of her videos because of the fact they know her from YouTube. </p>
<blockquote class="gender">“Wieso sollte Pogba Afrikaner sein?”</blockquote>
<p class="padding-13">Hamilton argues that Zoella has potential to be incredibly influential if she ditches the beauty tutorials and addressed some of the pressures girls face. My argument is: why can’t she do both? </p>
<p class="padding-13">Yes, young people are incredibly impressionable, but that doesn’t mean we need to deter them from having an interest in fashion and beauty for fear that they will develop the wrong values. Instead, we should be trying, as I believe Zoella does, to instil self-confidence and build their self-esteem.</p>
<p class="padding-13"> To find out more about Zoella, watch her '50 Facts About Me' video or go straight to her youtube channel</p>
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